Love you… Gimme a tight hug, I need a nice kiss.. These are a few phrases every kid hears at least a couple of times from mom. Fathers however, have unusual way towards the kids’ hearts. Rather than hugging, a father would prefer to punch the kid lightly in the stomach when they meet. And, this is how they go.
We also understand that the male members of the family usually carry a heavier burden on their shoulders and they tend to get busy in their work life. We love you. We respect you. We also respect your work equally. But there are times you are not able to give due importance or time to the kid. There also are some bad days when you might not just be in the right mood. Now, that’s quite justifiable, but will the kid ever wait for the justification? They have their own judgment. If you are smart, they are smarter than you. And why wouldn't they be? After all, they are the next generation. Your next generation! Now, this is a tougher one- As soon as the kid learns to interpret a long sentence, he can easily pick up on marital tension and blame it on themselves. So let’s just promise ourselves that everything that is not directly related to the kid doesn't come in between us and our kids. Perhaps, that’s the first step towards their healthy mental and emotional growth.
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