Men, gorgeous men! What would we do without them? There’s a different kind of craze we ladies maintain about them. They add spice to our life and make our lives go around. Women love men, this is not Adam teasing (analogue to Eve-Teasing), but it has a scientific reasoning too behind it.
Each woman has her own mental, emotional and physical levels at which she needs men. Women have their own spheres of interests and attractions. This depends on their basic nature and personality. Some like the real cool dudes, while others fall for angry, young men.
There are so many factors that out reflect the personality of a man. But do guys really wonder, like we woman do, about what woman want in them?
Well, if someone asks me about the frame that fits my man the best, I would fix a spotlight over a few facets –
For that awesome persona, he must possess an attitude. A dumb man is an embarrassment. He must develop a sense of humor and wit or polish it if he has one already. If he doesn’t know something, he shouldn’t behave dumb but must have the art to grab things quickly, acting smart, not foolish.
He must keep a certain distance from all but his closest circle. It also adds to his air of mystery and that never harmed a man ever!
Nothing alienates a woman faster than a pompous prig. No man can ever be superior to another. A man is always a man, after all!
Man’s involvement in sports and games has always added to their sex appeal. Sporty guys have wit in both their physique and minds. Nothing appeals a woman more than wit; however, if a guy can’t be sharp, he should try being a strong, silent man. Women find it hard to forgive vulgarity.
If sports aren’t your thing, men with proclivity towards music, painting (or art, in general), traveling, biking, and gadgets are equally in rage and do the best to magnetize women. But you shouldn’t try to catch the fever just to draw women closer, it has been mentioned here just to tell you everything you do adds up to your persona.
The sullen look is out, and a smile catches another. So, smile away all the worries and enter into the world of pleasure. Make everything and everyone appear and feel foolish. Handle furious situations staying cool. Grace under pressure is an individual’s biggest asset.
You should never ever feel threatened by anyone or anything. You must be the strongest man. Or, at least, strong enough to protect your lady!
You must cultivate a classic look. Men look smart and decent in clothes that fit them well and flatten their body line. Pare down to the elegant, clean look. Infuse into your drawers, clean, white or dove grey socks, snowy white hankies and baseball caps. The most essential possessions for a man are- A Classy Watch and A High-Tech Mobile Device (almost a decade back, when this article was actually penned down, the second possession was- ‘a gold-tipped fountain pen’, something that doesn’t really hold any value today!) A man with an organized schedule is a man of admiration. That daily wear hair gel puts down the craze of that special look a woman loves on a big date or special evenings. Keep the hair well-cut and groomed, nails filed short, clean and buffed. Shave away that stubble on the jaw line. Personally speaking, that one-day growth is actually a put-off except on actors and rock stars. Remember- women love cleanliness, no matter how dirty from within they themselves may be. Search, find and stick to the fragrance that best defines you. Women love recognizing their mate by scents.
Talk more to work your way to a real heart-to-heart relationship. You must take time off to tell her you love her, every so often. Try remarking on her fragrance. Guaranteed to please a woman! You should know how to press all her right buttons and the earth will then move. Go on showering her with the things she loves the most. Appreciate her and tell her when you loved her the most. Give her a chance to improve herself in that way. She’ll surely do it for you. Don’t ever ignore her, whatever you do, no matter how alien your work might be to her. Real man’s best friend is his wife. Woman is always eager to learn what her man knows, does or plays; be it a mere musical instrument!
A complete man knows the hardest job in the planet- To tackle a woman. He behaves gently with her, all the time. He gives her space. He respects her need for privacy and does not try to live in her pocket. Also, he knows how much space is needed and when, and maintains it well, taking care that the space doesn’t develop into a gap.
Women often compare her love to her father, who she believes, is a successful man in life who dint just do well to up bring the family but has also kept her mom so happy all these years. Definitely, every woman wants her man to be successful in life, along with being always aspiring for more.
Do not pamper yourself thinking you’re going through a learning phase and you still have time. If you think still have enough time, you probably will never have time. If you’re still in your learning phase, you will perhaps take ages to learn and still won’t be a learned man ever. Start right away, life is too short to hang around.
Then, let’s just talk about male beautification a bit. Anger and aggression are the two jewels of men, but only when channelized into a constructive plan. An angry, young man can be a heartthrob of many, but a violent, short-tempered and fierce guy would be the love of none.
Every person is born with some talent. Search out yours, quick! Still, if you feel you are an exception and you don’t have a gift of God, it’s never too late to acquire a skill. Remember, it is not your altitude, but your attitude that determines your aptitude!
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