You brought your favorite computer a couple of months back after a lot of market research and internet consultation. You have been running it successfully and to your satisfaction but recently it has started giving some problem and you feel like you are using an old, outdated computer system that has very low virtual memory. Slow speed and poor connectivity not only drags down the performance of a computer machine but also frustrates the user, especially those who have a lot of expectation from the technical device. A computer system actually slows down after some usage time because of some technical reasons and troubles that can be sorted out most of the times by the users themselves. These technical reasons can be lot of cookies, temporary files and folders saved in the computer system, entrance of spywares, adwares and viruses in a computer. Spywares are most commonly introduced to a computer system via internet. Other modes that bring in such spywares can be CDs, pen drives and other flash media, storage devices and other input devices such as mobile phones, iPods, Mp3 players etc. if you are facing such system slow down problems, this article will help you and guide you about how to remove spyware effectively from a computer system.
1. Suppose, you are working on an important assignment using your computer machine and suddenly the machine is hung. No command or no shortcuts come to your rescue. The system is hung for a longtime and you do not have any idea what is wrong with the system. Well, in that case, do not be scared. There is probably nothing wrong with your loved computer system. Odds-on, your system has been under attack of a spyware. Such spywares are tracking cookies that send your usage data without your permission back to the source from where it is sent to your computer. This harms the efficiency and performance of your computer. Here is a simple step that needs to be followed in such case. Disconnect your computer system completely from the Internet. Close up all the browser windows and applications that are run using internet. Pull off the wires that connect the computer to your internet modem or router. If you cannot do that, simply remove cable wire or turn off the power supply to the modem/router.

3. Scanning your computer system can be another helpful tip for those who what to know how to remove spyware from a computer. There are several anti-viruses, anti spyware and anti malware software programs that scan through the computer to search for all infections and errors. Most of these scanning software programs are also capable of successfully removing such infections and viruses from the computer without bringing any harm to the critical data stored in the system by the users. If you keep your machine up to date and well-updated with a good scanner, you can keep problems at bay.
4. There are some download managers that we many times download from the internet to ensure safe and speedy downloading processes from the internet. These managers are also responsible for the problems that a system faces. There are certain fake, pirated or copied programs available free of cost on internet that are downloaded by users without checking their authenticity. These programs occupy a lot of space on the computer drives and slow down the system leading to frequent hanging.
5. Boot your computer using safe mode to ensure that the problem is not infected throughout the system. This is a safe way of using a computer machine without facing many troubles in regard of malware and spyware if you do not know how to remove spyware from a system. Although, you will not be able to make the most of your machine but in any case, you can do the needful in this mode, compromising with graphics and communication features and sometimes internet too.
6. The Residual damage can be reverted by making sure that the infections, spyware and malware do not reintegrate as soon as the system is again connected to the web. May times, these spyware leave a tracking cookie or a temporary file on the system that helps the spyware to track the computer once again, even after being deleted. This is made possible with the help of internet. Resetting the home page, deleting temporary files and internet cookies from the system as soon as the spyware is removed helps the system to stay out of trouble.
7. Further, spyware and malware can be kept away by being choosy and particular while installing new programs, software and applications to your system. Research about the application on a search bar, read reviews and be confident that the download is not going to put you into trouble once again. Only when you are sure about that, continue with downloading and saving files, programs and applications from the internet or a friend’s media.
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